Home loan or home equity loan is a payment or credit you borrow from someone or bank. Theprimary purpose of this loan is to acquire a house or cover the cost of building one.
Strict Policy
The lenders who provide this loan surveil the use of their bucks. You must sign an agreement designed by the lender. In this agreement, the permanent or temporary interest rate is fixed by the policy providers.
Interest Rate
Here, the common interest rate is 8.50% per month after the payable date. You are not permitted to use this money for any other purpose except that which has been mentioned in the agreement. You are free to use this loan for any purpose regarding your home. Siphoning the funds into another project can result in a violation of the terms and conditions of the financier and will ultimately lead to the cancelation of agreement and complete payback of the borrowed money.
Mortgage loan
mortgage refers to as a legitimate correspondence
between a person and a bank or loan-giving society. Similarly, a mortgage
loan is the term used by the investor of any real
property who collects the funds to procure other landholdings. All of these processes are usually completed before attaching security interest to the mortgaged land.
[BUTTONS2]100% Safety of both Borrowers and Lenders
The person who lends the credit loan is 100% guaranteed on his assets. This mechanism is where the term “mortgage” comes from. However, if the loan taker shows any bankruptcy or becomes insolvent with the lender, all the remaining installments returns to the lender from the assets which are mortgaged by the borrowers. This leaves no chance of any financial loss to both lenders and borrowers.
A loan is a relationship between a borrower and a lender. The borrower is called a debtor, and the lender is also called a creditor. The money lent and received in this transaction is known as the loan: the lender (creditor) has loaned out money while the borrower (debtor) has taken out a loan. The total amount of money borrowed is called the Principal. The lender will charge a fee for lending out this money (as most lenders aren’t nice enough to do this for free), which is called Interest.
Home Loans
Home loans are simply types of loans used to purchase real estate.
Real Estate is the term for land and anything that is permanently affixed to it (like a house). Items attached to the buildings are referred to as Fixtures i.e. lights, pipes, wiring etc…
Property that is not affixed is regarded as Personal property i.e. cars, fridges, chairs etc.
A mortgage is not a loan per se, but a form of security interest for a home loan taken over the real estate property that you are purchasing i.e. A mortgage is a legal agreement that conveys the conditional right of ownership on a real estate property by its owner (the mortgagor) to a lender (the mortgagee) as security for a home loan.
When you purchase a real estate property using a home loan, the property is placed in your name and is owned by you. However, the security (Mortgage) means that if you (the Mortgagor) breach the home loan contract terms set by the lender (the Mortgagee), then they have a right to collect their interest. For example, if you fail to make your home loan repayments, then you become in default to your lender. In certain cases, if you as the mortgagor (borrower) default on your mortgage repayments, the mortgagee (lender) can repossess the property and then sell it off.
Real estate mortgages are the most common type of mortgage. When personal property items such as cars, jewelry etc… Are mortgaged, it is called a Chattel mortgage.
Home Loans are What You Borrow
A home loan is the actual money that you take out to pay for your home. Home loans have either adjustable or fixed rates that determine your mortgage rate. Home loans are generally only used to purchase a residential home.
There are many different types of home loans and the home loan you choose is determinate on your personal situation and what you can afford:
- Conforming: a loan that conforms to guidelines set by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae and is equal to or less than the loan limit.
- Non-conforming: also known as a jumbo loan, a loan that doesn’t conform to Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae guidelines and exceeds the loan limit. Usually used to pay for high-end real estate.
- Government: a loan that is backed by the U.S. government and generally has stricter qualification guidelines, but lower rates.
- Conventional: a loan that’s insured by the mortgage company and thus has higher rates to offset the risk to lenders.
Mortgages are Legal Documents
On the other hand, mortgages are types of loans that are secured for real estate that, as the borrower, you need to pay back in full in order to fully own the property. Unlike a home loan, a mortgage is the legal document that shows your agreement and obligation to repay your debt to the lender.
The property you purchase is the collateral to help the lender ensure that you pay your mortgage payments. If you do not pay your mortgage payments, the bank can foreclose on your property and sell it to someone else. Mortgages can be used to purchase any piece of real estate, be it residential or commercial.