Owning a car is definitely a comfort. But, this facility isn’t cheap to maintain. Car owners would know the regular hassle and struggle that has to be gone through to ensure that your car stays in the best state. One of these expenses is tires. Ultimately, tires are the supporting system of your car. They go through maximum wear and tear over the years. It is highly important to change tires after the recommended time period has passed. Moreover, the quality of the tires shouldn’t be compromised either. This can prove rather expensive. To make things easier, we’ve brought together a list of tips that will help you save on the purchase of new tires!
A very common mistake people make is to consider the initial quote the final quote. When you visit a tire seller, don’t simply leave if their prices seem out of budget. Take your time, ask the seller questions, get satisfactory guarantees, compare different tire models, and develop a temporary relationship with the dealer. Tire sellers usually deal with other car related issues as well. This is why developing a relationship through conversation will help you in the longer run. A friendly start to the deal can help you get a special discount. Even if the seller doesn’t offer a discount, feel free to ask for one. Don’t be ashamed to bargain. Prices aren’t fixed in a tire business mainly because everyone has different overhead costs and charges accordingly. A study has proven that 72% of the people who actually ask for a discount get one too! Keep this in mind while trying to talk down the price. Majority of the times, sellers do finalize the deal on a lower rate than the listed price.
[BUTTONS2]Look out for sales
If you haven’t been lucky with the bargain approach or the discount offered isn’t enough for you, you can opt for a other method. Sales and discounts are a business tactic used by every businessman. Whether big or small, the business attracts consumers with deals and offers. The tire industry will have a massive sale at least once a year too. This is most likely to be planned during the off season. The sale season is usually relative to the specific area. Let’s say one town had a massive tire sale during July. Another town in another state might have it during November. There is also a possibility that a certain tire shop is closing. They could have a clearance sale going on. Similarly, certain shop owners would introduce a discount deal to clear out their older stock. Some tire shops would be affiliated with other car related businesses and have a joint offer. Just keep an eye out for offers like these. The only hindrance in this method is that you’ll have to wait to make the purchase.
Opt for online sellers
Online shopping is an emerging trend in today’s day and age. There isn’t any item you wouldn’t find being sold online. Since online shops don’t have to bear the expenses of a brick and mortar shop, rents or other physical costs, the items sold online are usually cheaper. The same is the case for tires. Just make sure you choose an online seller with good reviews. Do some research to find a trustworthy seller to steer clear of online frauds and scams.
These tips do require some research and hassle. However, when you find a bargain deal, you’ll be thankful for this method! Instead of taking the short and easy route, go about a little harder path to save big time.