Fun fact: if all the bees in the world became extinct the human race will only live for 4-5 years. After than the entire human race would become extinct.
Yes that’s how important bees are for our natural environment and for our survival. Since Bees give us so much, they cannot be considered as pests. They actually play a very vital role in the reproduction of plants, be it important crops or beautiful flowers. They even give us the gift of honey, which has countless health benefits. So if you see a bee or a few in your yard, sitting on flowers it’s a good thing and not something to worry about. They are helping the plants pollinate. Making the earth green.
[BUTTONS2]However, you might want to worry a little if they become permanent residents on our property or near your home. Bees can make huge beehives in your roof, on a bug tree, against the walls of your house, inside a shed or sometimes even in the attic, if they can enter it easily. A few bees are no bother but a colony of bees, is not safe. Following are a few health hazards you face if you have been invaded by a whole colony of bees.
1. Bees attack:
Any animal if provoked will attack in some way to defend themselves. Even though stinging is generally done by hornets and wasps, bees usually do not get very aggressive like them. However, when provoked bees will leave you with a lot of stings which can be very dangerous. Even if one sting might not be that dangerous although it hurts pretty badly, a whole colony provoked can be fatal. Bees sting for a few reasons which are given below;
- Bees can become aggressive if any loud noise is made near their nests. For instance, if you happen to be having a party near their nest and have gotten loud, bees might attack. Loud noises could be of any sort, like lawn mowers, shouting, leaf blowers etc.
- If you make contact with the bees nest you are in a lot of trouble. Even if a ball hits the beehive you will have aggravated the bees and they will attack. Make sure you don’t step on it, knock it down or expose it.
- Bees are naturally quite sensitive to quick movements around them. So any sort of activity near the beehive can have dangerous results. Any such activity in the vicinity of their beehive and you will have activated their defensive mode.
2. Stinging:
Bee’s stings are extremely painful. Stings lead to inflammation of the area which later turn red, leaving red marks on the body. The reason behind this is that stings contain a toxin. One sting might not be dangerous but if you suffer from several stings the increased amount of toxins can cause fever, fainting, unconsciousness and other serious problems.
Whether or not they treat you as a threat to them bees are dangerous to have around especially in a huge number. They are not pets and the probability of being stung by them increases the nearer they are to your home. They will come to your house every now and then and God forbid if you swat or step on them accidentally.
3. Bee Allergies:
Bee allergy is a serious problem. Since most people are not aware if they have bee allergy so they are unaware of the adverse effects of anaphylaxis. That is a powerful allergic reaction that needs immediate medical attention and even cause death. So if someone you know suffers from the following symptoms, after being stung, chances are they have bee allergy;
- Throat and tongue swell
- Have trouble breathing
- Become very dizzy or weak
- Become unconscious
- Start vomiting
What to do?
If you find a bee hive in your place don’t try to remove it by yourself. You need professional help. The best thing to do would be to evacuate the house and let the professional handle the situation. Furthermore you need to get your property looked at by professionals so they can point out the spots that are most vulnerable to bee infestations. Stay safe!