Many people including older adults suffering from diminished hearing have avoided the traditional hearing aid. The hearing devices of old are large, uncomfortable and highly noticeable. It becomes impossible for individuals to benefit from discrete solutions allowing them to hear their surrounds without concern of a large visible hearing piece. Fortunately, advances in the medical field have assisted in combining technologies. The new technology offers a small very discrete device worn as a regular hearing aid but without the high visibility. Speak to Your doctor and learn how these facial solutions can address your well-being.
Wearing a Hearing Aid is nothing to be Ashamed of
Medical reports have revealed that more than 40% of older men and women in the United States are wearing hearing aids. This is quite a sizable number of people! There is certainly nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of wearing a hearing aid. The device was designed to help improve your ability to hear and make sense of your environment. The large hearing aids have been met with much resistance leaving a large number of adults without their supportive devices. A failure to incorporate your hearing aid compromises your hearing and your quality of life.
The Innovative of the Discrete Hearing Aid
With the introduction of the smaller sized hearing aid, more people can enjoy the comforts of hearing without being embarrassed or feeling stared at when wearing a traditional hearing aid. The modern solutions are small enough to fit behind your ear without causing high visibility that leaves you feeling ostracized. With the option to invest in smaller hearing devices that clarify sound, you can enhance your well-being and ensure that your needs are met. If you are interested in a modern and powerfully functioning hearing device, speak to your audiologist of the options available for your needs.
3 Things to Consider When Selecting Hearing Aids
As you begin your journey to better hearing health, you may feel overwhelmed with the number of options available on the market. Given the advancements in hearing aid technology, there is a lot of information to sort through and features to consider. Here at Comprehensive Ear and Hearing, our specialists work with you to find the best options to meet your hearing needs. After assessing the results of your hearing test, we consider factors such as your lifestyle and employment to find the best hearing solution for you.
Here are a few things to consider as you begin your search for the right pair of hearing aids.
Your Lifestyle
Hearing aids bring many benefits to your life, reconnecting you to the sounds
in your environment. Before you begin a search for hearing aids, take a moment
to think about your daily activities and schedule.
What are your morning routines? Do you get up and shower immediately? Do you exercise – and if so, do you work out indoors or out? All of these things could factor into the type of hearing aid that works with your life. For example, if you tend to get up and go, from the bed to the gym to a shower to work, an invisible-in-canal hearing aid that can be worn 24/7 with water resistance might be a great choice for you.
Do you commute to work by car or public transportation? Do you tend to work alone, in a quiet environment, or do you work with a team or in a loud space, such as a construction site or factory floor? Hearing aids offer a number of different features to accommodate the environment in which you find yourself.
Sketch out a general outline of your day, and the different sound environments in which you find yourself. This helps determine the features and construction of the hearing aid you choose.
Hearing Aid Technology
If you’ve just been diagnosed with a hearing loss, or if you’re in the market for a new pair of hearing aids, this is a great moment in hearing aid technology. Most hearing aid manufacturers offer sophisticated, advanced solutions: high-powered digital hearing aids with incredibly fast processing systems, wireless connectivity, and discreet, sleek design. Depending on your hearing loss configuration and specific hearing needs, your hearing specialist at Comprehensive Ear and Hearing will find the best fit for you.
These days, hearing aids are akin to mini-computers, with the ability to pick up sounds in your environment, analyze them, and process them at lightning speed. This provides you with a natural listening experience and the power to choose where you’d like to focus. Speech recognition features utilize microphones that share data and work in conjunction, enhancing speech sounds both in quiet and noise.
Many hearing aids are compatible with your smartphone and tablet, connecting with Bluetooth. This wireless connection opens up accessibility, allowing you to stream phone conversations, video chats, music, and other media directly to your ears. This also gives you an added layer of discretion as you make adjustments to your listening experience through an app on your smartphone or tablet, rather than fumbling with your hearing aids.
All hearing aids are powered by batteries, and you have choices when it comes to power. Traditional hearing aid batteries require replacement every few days to once a week, depending on how hard your hearing aids work. Many leading manufacturers now offer rechargeable solutions – hearing aids with lithium-ion batteries that charge at incredibly fast speeds and offer a long-lasting battery life throughout the day. For people who find themselves out and about, a rechargeable hearing aid inspires more confidence, while people who find themselves in quiet settings might do fine with traditional hearing aid battery options.
Hearing Aid Style
For many of us, aesthetics are important when it comes to hearing aids. If it’s discretion you’re looking for, never fear. Hearing aids have become incredibly sleek and discreet, and depending on the style that fits you and your hearing needs best, they may even be invisible, worn deep inside your ear canals.
There are many different styles of hearing aids. Completely-in-canal and in-the-canal hearing aids are made of customized molds and are worn inside your ear canal or partially in the canal. These are convenient for people who wear glasses, but could be difficult to control if you experience dexterity issues.
If you don’t mind your hearing aids being visible, consider in-the-ear hearing aids. These are worn in a full or half-shell design on the surface of your ear, and work well if you wear glasses. ITE hearing aids treat a wide range of degrees of hearing loss and are easy to control if you experience dexterity issues.
Behind-the-ear and receiver-in-canal consist of two parts: a plastic case that houses electronic components, which is worn over your ear, and a tube that delivers amplified sound into your ear canal. Both styles are very flexible, and treat a wide range of hearing loss. They also tend to be discreet, with color options that match your hair and skin tone. However, they may be inconvenient if you wear eyeglasses.